When you edit a processing method, the Save Method page includes a Method Summary pane which summarizes processing method parameters. You can view and export this summary as needed.
View the Method Summary
- On the BioPharma Finder home page, select the Peptide Mapping Analysis, Oligonucleotide Analysis, Intact Mass Analysis, or Top Down Analysis workflow link in the Experiment Types pane or below the splash graphic.
- The corresponding workflow page opens.
- Select a processing method and then select Edit Method.
To edit some processing methods, you might need to load raw data files and/or select a sequence to apply to the experiment.
- In the navigation bar, select the Parameters tab, and then select the Save Method subtab (for peptide mapping analysis, oligonucleotide analysis, and intact mass analysis) or the Save Experiment subtab (for top down analysis).
- The Method Summary pane is located on the right side of the Save Method/Experiment page.
Export the Method Summary
- (Top down analysis experiments only) On the Save Method page, select the Global or Peak # subtabs to view the corresponding parameters in the summary.
- Select the Global subtab to view the global data for the experiment, protein sequences (including proteoforms), and identification parameters.
- Select each Peak # subtab to view the component detection parameters specific to each peak.
- (All experiment types) Right-click on the Method Summary table and select Export Parameters to Excel or Export Parameters to Word.
- In the Save dialog box, browse to the appropriate folder, enter a file name, and then select Save.
- For peptide mapping analysis, oligonucleotide analysis and intact mass analysis, the application exports all of the information in the Method Summary table as a Microsoft™ Excel™ or Word™ file.
- For top down analysis, the application exports only the parameters listed under the selected (visible) tab to the file.