The sequence you select for an experiment establishes the protein, peptide, or oligonucleotide that you want the application to use to match detected components to potential identifications. The BioPharma Finder application automatically displays the available sequences and their information in the Sequence table on the Peptide Mapping Analysis, Oligonucleotide Analysis, Top Down Analysis, and Intact Mass Analysis pages. The list of sequences comes from the table on the Sequence Manager page.
In the Sequence Manager, you must assign the appropriate category to the sequence before saving the sequence in order for it to appear in Sequence table on the corresponding analysis page.
- For a sequence to be visible on the Peptide Mapping Analysis page, you must assign the "Peptide Mapping" category to the sequence.
- For a sequence to be visible on the Oligonucleotide Analysis page, you must assign the "Sequencing" category to the sequence.
- For a sequence to be visible on the Intact Mass Analysis page, you must assign the "Intact Protein" (for a protein) or "Intact Deconvolution" (for an oligonucleotide) category to the sequence.
- For sequence to be visible on the Top Down Analysis page, you must assign the "Top Down" category to the sequence.
- For targeted peptide mapping analysis experiment, you must select a sequence with a "Peptide Mapping" or "Targeted Peptide" category. "Targeted Peptide" category sequences are saved peptide workbooks. You can create a peptide workbook using selected results from a prior peptide mapping analysis experiment or using the Theoretical Protein/Peptide Manager.
- On the BioPharma Finder home page, select the Peptide Mapping Analysis, Oligonucleotide Analysis, Intact Mass Analysis, or Top Down Analysis workflow link in the Experiment Types pane or below the splash graphic.
- The corresponding workflow page opens.
- In the Sequence table on the right side of the page, select the checkbox in the row for the sequence you want to assign to the experiment.
- You must select a sequence for a targeted peptide mapping analysis experiment or a top down analysis experiment.
- Selecting a sequence is optional for all other experiment types (non-targeted peptide mapping analysis, oligonucleotide analysis, and intact mass analysis).
- If you do not select a sequence for your experiment, the application still performs component detection, but entries in the Results tables have no identification information. If you perform the initial ion detection without selecting a sequence, you can identify components by importing or creating a sequence later.
- For peptide mapping analysis and oligonucleotide analysis experiments, you can select only one sequence for an experiment.
- For top down analysis and intact mass analysis, you can select up to 10 sequences for an experiment.
- You cannot edit the information in the Sequence table. However, you can select the column headers to sort the order of the displayed data and filter the rows by using the filter options in the column headers.