Use the Experiment Management pane on the Load Results page to organize your saved experiment results in different folders. The Experiment Management pane consists of two lists:
- The Master List contains all of the previously saved experiment results, regardless of the folder in which they reside.
- In the Working List, you can create folders or subfolders and drag and drop results from the Working List to any folder that you created.
- After an experiment is moved to a folder, it is removed from the Working List.
To access the Experiment Management pane on the Load Results page:
- On the BioPharma Finder home page, select the Peptide Mapping Analysis, Oligonucleotide Analysis, Intact Mass Analysis, or Top Down Analysis workflow link in the Experiment Types pane or below the splash graphic.
- The corresponding workflow page opens.
- Select the Load Results tab.
- By default, the application displays the Master List.
- To toggle the display between the Master List and the Working List, select the double arrows on the left margin of the page to expand the Experiment Management pane and select the list you want to display.