The Reservation Details page on the Scheduler Assistant displays the functions described in the following table.
Function | Description |
Project | Specifies the project name. |
icon | Allows users to create, edit, or delete a project and associate it with a reservation. |
Group Reservation | Specifies the name for the group reservation. |
Maintenance checkbox | Reserves the instruments for maintenance. |
Initiator | Indicates the name of the user who logged in to the Ardia Platform and creates the current reservation. |
Description | Specifies the details of the group reservation. |
icon | Deletes the entire sub-reservation following the date indicated in the Start Date parameter. NOTE If there is only one sub-reservation, users cannot delete the entire sub-reservation. |
Start Date | Specifies a start date for the instrument reservation. |
End Date | Specifies a end date for the instrument reservation. |
Start Time | Specifies a start time for the instrument reservation. |
End Time | Specifies a end time for the instrument reservation. |
Recurrence | Specifies the recurrence type of the reservation. |
Assignee | Specifies the names of the assignees for the reservation. |
Instruments | A dropdown list that displays all the selected instruments from the Instruments page. Users can select the instrument names that they want to reserve. If the instrument during the selected date and time is already reserved, the conflict reservation is not created. |
Add Sub-reservation | Adds another sub-reservation with different instrument, date/time, and recurrence. |
Reserve | Completes the group reservation. |
Back | Displays the previous page (Instrument Page). |