Each row in the Ranges dialog box defines the chromatogram traces in the Chromatogram view based on the defined plot properties. The parameters in the Ranges dialog box are defined in the following table.

Ranges dialog box parameters




Displays the Column dialog box where you can select and rearrange the columns that appear in the Ranges dialog box. For more information, see Show or hide columns.


Restores the chromatogram ranges parameters.

Import Mass List

Imports a CSV file and maps the CSV Header element to the Ranges element to create XIC traces in the active Chromatogram view.

Add Trace

Adds a new row with the defined trace from the previous row. You can define the trace parameter in the plot properties.


Removes the selected trace from the list of chromatogram ranges.

Trace Visibility

Displays () and hides () the chromatogram trace from the active Chromatogram view.

NOTE Using the Trace Visibility icon in the header, you can turn on and turn off all the traces at once, except the first trace.

Plot Properties and Processing

NOTE Plot properties and processing are applied to the highlighted trace, injection, or raw data file.

Injection/Raw Data

Displays the name of the injection or the raw data file.

NOTE Point to the field name to display the file path.

To display the Data Explorer dialog box, select


Displays the detector type based on the information in the injection or the raw data file (see Detector type).

Scan Filter

Displays the filter to apply to the injection or the raw data file. The application autosenses the metafilters (including SRM or compound filters) in the injection or the raw data file in this order: MS, MS2, ETD, HCD, and then the individual scan filter list.

NOTE For data files with more than one MS/MS order, enter MSn to include all the fragmentation data.

For grouped filters, the Scan Filter dropdown list displays only the first filter in the group. The Spectrum view displays the actual filter for the scan. For descriptions of valid scan filters, see Appendix: Scan filters and scan headers.

Trace Type

Displays the trace type, which is based on the different detector types as follows:

  • Trace type for MS: TIC, Mass Range, Base Peak, or Neutral Fragment.
  • Trace type for A/D card or Analog: the relevant trace.
  • Trace type for PDA: Total Scan, Wavelength Range, or Spectrum Maximum.
  • Trace type for UV: UV trace.

For more information, see Trace type.


Specifies the m/z ranges of the displayed spectrum, such as 443.2345, 534.6237–645.5469, or 600–800. The application reads the default range from the highlighted raw data file. If the field is inactive, it is not applicable based on the trace type.

Mass Tolerance

Specifies the mass tolerance for the m/z of the specified ion. Available only when you select Mass Range under Trace Type.

Range: 0.00 to 1000; Units: amu, mmu, or ppm; Default: 5 ppm


Displays the chemical formula or the peptide sequence of the compound to be analyzed in the injection or raw data file.