
  1. Run a peak detection algorithm, and then select the Pharmacopoeia   S/N calculation on the Peak Detection page.
  2. The S/N calculation is based on the selection of the Pharmacopeia S/N calculation checkbox as follows:
  3. When the Pharmacopeia  S/N calculation checkbox is cleared, the S/N value matches that of the S/N calculation without pharmacopeia calculation.
  4. When the Pharmacopeia S/N calculation checkbox is selected, the S/N value matches that of the pharmacopeia S/N calculation.
  5. In the Display Options for Chromatogram toolbar, select the Signal To Noise option.
  6. NOTE

    The abbreviation PSN next to a value indicate that it is a pharmacopoeia S/N .

  7. (Optional) Clear the Signal To Noise option to remove the applied peak label from the Chromatogram view.