The first Ardia platform user comes preconfigured with the Ardia Core software installation and is assigned the role of a super administrator. By default, the super administrator has the full access and capabilities to perform all actions on the Ardia platform. As a super administrator, you can create users with varying privileges, including administrators with lesser privileges and other super administrator. For more information on the fundamentals of users and roles, see Ardia roles and users basics.

Before you begin your administrative tasks, the following must be completed:

  • For the first user only, the username and password are defined during the installation of the Ardia Core software.
  • The Ardia IdP setup is completed during the installation.

The following figure illustrates a basic administrative workflow to help you get started as an Ardia administrator.

Basic administrative workflow for Ardia administrators
Basic administrative workflow for Ardia administrators

The following table lists the actions that you can perform as an Ardia platform administrator.


You must be signed in to the Ardia platform as a super administrator, an administrator, or a user with adequate permissions to perform the actions listed in the following table.

Common tasks for Ardia platform administrator



Add new roles the Ardia platform
Add roles to determine access levels for users.

Add new users to the Ardia platform
Add users and assign them appropriate roles to determine their access levels.

Add another Ardia platform administrator
Set up another administrator who can manage users, roles, applications, access levels, and more.

Set up Ardia Core permissions
Specify whether the users have permission to open or manage Ardia Core applications (such as the Data Explorer), utilities (such as IdP Configuration), and Ardia-connected external software (such as Thermo Scientific Chromeleon CDS).

Specify global settings
Establish platform-wide and application-specific global policies.

Manage folder access levels
Assign folder access permissions to specific users or roles.

Add another IdP
(Optional) Set up other commercially available consumer identity providers.

Connect desktop applications to the Ardia platform
Register available desktop applications to the Ardia platform, such as Thermo Scientific BioPharma Finderâ„¢ or Chromeleon CDS.

NOTE To access documentation and learn more about the connected software, select the Connected Software tab on the Ardia Platform Help portal.


To learn about the basic steps that apply to all users, see Get started: All users. For information on the various Ardia Core applications and utilities that are available, see About Ardia Platform.