The Modify Privileges function allows users to modify privileges for the Ardia Instruments application by enabling or disabling the privileges described in the following table.
Function | Subfunction | Description |
General | Open Instruments Application | Defines whether a role can access the Instruments application. |
Systems | Complete Instrument Set Up - Add/Modify Instrument Attribute Details and Initiate Real Time Monitoring | Defines whether a role can complete instrument setup to initiate real-time monitoring and add instrument attribute details. |
Initiate Connectivity - Accept License Agreement and Enable Request Support Feature | Defines whether a role can accept the end-user license agreement (EULA) and enable the request support button. | |
Request Support - Open Instrument Service Ticket | Defines whether a role can open an instrument service ticket. | |
Scheduler | Add, Delete or Edit Instruments in Scheduler That Are Not in the Systems Tab | Defines whether a role can add, modify, and delete a custom instrument. |
Create, Modify and Delete Reservations for Themselves | Defines whether a role can create, modify, and delete their own reservations. | |
Create, Modify and Delete Reservations for Other Users | Defines whether a role can create, modify, and delete reservations for other users. | |
Create Projects and Modify Associated Information | Specifies whether a role can create and modify project details. | |
Delete Projects | Specifies whether a role can delete projects. | |
Export Reservation Data | Specifies whether a role can export the reservation data. |