The Modify Privileges function allows users to modify privileges for Ardia Core applications by enabling or disabling the privileges described in the following table.




Data Explorer

Open Data Explorer Application

Defines whether a role can access the Data Explorer application.

Manage Folder Access

Defines whether a role can manage folders.

Manage Access for Any Folder

Defines whether a role can manage access to any folder, regardless of whether the user previously had access to it.

Archive Data

Defines whether a role can archive data.

Restore Data

Defines whether a role can restore data.

Upload Data

Defines whether a role can upload data.

Download Data

Defines whether a role can download data.

Move Data

Defines whether a role can move data within the Ardia Repository.

Copy Data

Defines whether a role can copy data within the Ardia Repository.

Delete Data

Defines whether a role can delete data.

Users and Roles

Open Users and Roles Application

Defines whether a role can access the Users and Roles application.

Assign Privileges

Defines whether a role can assign privileges to the roles.

Manage Users

Defines if a role can add and manage users.

Disable and Reactivate Users

Defines whether a role can disable and reactivate users.

Delete Users

Defines whether a role can delete users.

Manage Roles

Defines whether a role can add and manage roles.

Assign Users and Roles

Defines whether a role can use the Assign functionality within the Users and Roles application. This allows assigning roles to users (and vice versa).

Client Registration and Management

Open Client Registration and Management Application

Defines whether a role can access the Client and Registration management.

Generate an Activation Code for a Client

Defines whether a role can create an activation code that is required for registering an external application. It also allows a role to remove the registration code as well as render the code valid or invalid.

IdP Configuration

Open Idp Configuration Application

Defines whether a role can access the IdP Configuration application.

Manage Identity Providers

Defines whether a role can add and manage identity providers in the IdP Configuration application.

Other applications

Open Data Viewer Application

Defines whether a role can access the Ardia Data Viewer application.

Open Audit Trail Viewer Application

Defines whether a role can access the Audit Trail Viewer application.

Open Global Settings Application

Defines whether a role can access the Global Settings application.

External applications

Unlock Application Locked by Another User

Defines whether a role can unlock an application that is connected to the Ardia platform, regardless of who locked it.

Show Chromeleon Launcher

Defines whether the Chromeleon CDS launcher is available on the Ardia Home page for a role.