The Modify Privileges function allows users to modify privileges for Ardia Core applications by enabling or disabling the privileges described in the following table.
Function | Subfunction | Description |
Data Explorer | Open Data Explorer Application | Defines whether a role can access the Data Explorer application. |
Manage Folder Access | Defines whether a role can manage folders. | |
Manage Access for Any Folder | Defines whether a role can manage access to any folder, regardless of whether the user previously had access to it. | |
Archive Data | Defines whether a role can archive data. | |
Restore Data | Defines whether a role can restore data. | |
Upload Data | Defines whether a role can upload data. | |
Download Data | Defines whether a role can download data. | |
Move Data | Defines whether a role can move data within the Ardia Repository. | |
Copy Data | Defines whether a role can copy data within the Ardia Repository. | |
Delete Data | Defines whether a role can delete data. | |
Users and Roles | Open Users and Roles Application | Defines whether a role can access the Users and Roles application. |
Assign Privileges | Defines whether a role can assign privileges to the roles. | |
Manage Users | Defines if a role can add and manage users. | |
Disable and Reactivate Users | Defines whether a role can disable and reactivate users. | |
Delete Users | Defines whether a role can delete users. | |
Manage Roles | Defines whether a role can add and manage roles. | |
Assign Users and Roles | Defines whether a role can use the Assign functionality within the Users and Roles application. This allows assigning roles to users (and vice versa). | |
Client Registration and Management | Open Client Registration and Management Application | Defines whether a role can access the Client and Registration management. |
Generate an Activation Code for a Client | Defines whether a role can create an activation code that is required for registering an external application. It also allows a role to remove the registration code as well as render the code valid or invalid. | |
IdP Configuration | Open Idp Configuration Application | Defines whether a role can access the IdP Configuration application. |
Manage Identity Providers | Defines whether a role can add and manage identity providers in the IdP Configuration application. | |
Other applications | Open Data Viewer Application | Defines whether a role can access the Ardia Data Viewer application. |
Open Audit Trail Viewer Application | Defines whether a role can access the Audit Trail Viewer application. | |
Open Global Settings Application | Defines whether a role can access the Global Settings application. | |
External applications | Unlock Application Locked by Another User | Defines whether a role can unlock an application that is connected to the Ardia platform, regardless of who locked it. |
Show Chromeleon Launcher | Defines whether the Chromeleon CDS launcher is available on the Ardia Home page for a role. |