The Set Platform Settings area on the Platform page contains options to define the organizational-specific administrative settings described in the following table for the Ardia Platform.






Configures single sign-on (SSO) sessions.

Enable Timeout Session for Logout

Specifies whether SSO sessions time out.

Default state: Off .

Timeout Session for Logout

Sets the duration of SSO sessions (in minutes) before a user is automatically logged out due to inactivity. The timer resets if there is any activity.
Default: 10 min.
Permitted range: 10 to 50,000 min.

NOTE This subfunction is visible only if the Enable Timeout Sessions for Logout subfunction is enabled .



Configures audit trail-related settings.

Prompt for Comments When Saving

Enables or disables the prompt for comments when a user saves any changes. Default state: Off .

NOTE If the Prompt for Comments When Saving subfunction is enabled, the Audit Trial Viewer utility records any comments that users enter as user-added comments.



Configures global notification settings.

Retention Time for Cleared Notifications

Specifies the number of days before the application clears all notifications.
Default: 14 days.
Permitted range: 1 to 30 days.



Configures user settings that affect all users.

Delete Users

Allows users to be deleted by users with appropriate administrative privileges.

Default state: Off .

Disable and Reactivate Users

Allows users to be disabled or reactivated by users with appropriate administrative privileges.

Default state: Off .