The query builder allows users to create queries for viewing specific events. Selecting Show Query opens the query builder and changes the command to Hide Query. Selecting Hide Query closes the query builder.
The query builder consists of the functions described in the following table that allow users to add query parameters.
Function | Description |
And button | Specifies that results meet all conditions. |
Or button | Specifies that results meet one condition. |
+ icon | Adds an additional rule to the query. |
x icon | Removes the rule from the query. |
Dropdown list | Selects an option from the list. This function is available for both the subject and operator parameters. |
Freeform box | Adds alphanumerical texts. This function is available for target parameters. |
Date and Time box | Directly edits the date and time or selects the calendar icon to select a time and date from a calendar view. This function is available as a target parameter. |