The event log contains information regarding the run history on the instrument as well as the error logs.


  1. On the home screen, tap the Settings icon (gear), tap Service Tools, and then tap Event Log.
  2. (Optional) On the Event Log screen, tap Filter On from the View All drop-down menu and select the types of events to show in the filtered events.
  3. (Optional) Expand the widget on the events to view further information.
  4. Tap Export.
  5. On the Export Event Log screen:
  • Select a format for the exported file: CSV or PDF.
  • Tap Filter On and change the filtered events.
  • Select a date range.
  • Tap Export.
  • For the saved file location, tap USB drive or tap Network Drive.
  • In the Export Complete dialog box, tap Additional Export or Done.
  • During the export process, to cancel the transfer, tap Cancel.