Within the content area of the PAL terminal, icons for the different tools, modules (active and passive) and I/O signals are displayed. The table below describes the available symbols.

PAL terminal content area symbols

Start Screen Icon

PALmodule Description

PAL tool and Tool Change Station

LS Tool, Syringe Tool for liquid injections

HS or Headspace Tool (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

SPME Fiber Tool (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

SPME Arrow Tool (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

Dilutor Tool or Tool for Dilutor Module (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

LCMS-P Tool or Tool for LCMS-P Module (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

ITEX Tool (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

COC Tool (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

Pipette Tool (only PAL RTC)

Gripper Tool (only PAL RSI)

Park Station: Active PALmodule for automated PALtool change (only PAL RTC)

Active PAL module


Vortex Mixer

Heatex Stirrer Module

Barcode Reader

Peltier Stack 2DW

Peltier Stack 6DW

Stack 2DW

Stack 6DW

Stack 12MT

Valve Drive

Fast Wash Module

Extension Module

SPME Fiber Conditioning Module/SPME Arrow Conditioning Module (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

OC Injector or On-column Injector (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

LCMS Wash Module (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

Dilutor Syringe Module (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

DeCapper Module

Centrifuge Module 2 mL

Centrifuge Module Combi

Passive PAL module

Tray Holder (rectangular) or Tray Plate

Liquid Cooled Tray Holder (Traycooler)

Standard Wash Module (5x10 mL Vials)

Large Wash Module (2 x 100 mL bottles and 1 Waste Position)

Solvent Module (Solvent reservoir Module for 3 x 100 mL bottles)

Rack: rectangular (Rack to hold vials with volume from 1 to 40 mL)

Vials: set of vials

Vial: single vial (Vial Type CV)

Solvent Reservoir Bottle (Vial Type SR)

Injector (GC Injector)

MHE Module (only PAL RSI and PAL RTC)

Tool Adapter Station

Synchronization and Signals

Input and Output Signals

Input Signal (GC Ready)

Output Signal (Injected)

Chromatographic System (GC) or (LC) Specified synchronization of Input and Output Signals, Cryo Trap, and Delay Time for Fake Injection for an analytical system (GC or LC).

General Icons

Logo for PAL System

PALrobot or PALsystem (RobotArmLeft)

PALhead (Injection Unit) (only PAL LSI and PAL RSI)