Many values like rack types, vial types, and other such values are predefined within the PAL firmware and you can select them from a drop-down list. An arrow next to a list item indicates that one or more subparameters are available.

List item with sub-parameters
List item with sub-parameters


  1. Select the list item and press Enter.
  2. The available subparameters are displayed (if more layers of subparameters are available for a list item, keep selecting items until no more subparameter layers are available).
  3. Sub-parameters
  4. TIP

    Parameter values that are shown in grey (instead of black) are read-only and cannot be edited.

  5. Select the parameter whose value shall be adapted with the scroll wheel and confirm your selection with Enter.
  6. A drop-down list opens, showing the selectable values. (The small arrow on top and bottom of a drop-down list indicate that only an extract of a longer list is shown - use the scroll wheel to navigate through the whole list.
  7. Parameter values in drop-down list
    Parameter values in drop-down list
  8. Select a value from the drop-down list and confirm your selection with Enter.
  9. The value is accepted and the drop-down list closed.
  10. New value for the parameter is set
    New value for the parameter is set